Statistics & Research about Jackson,NJ - Citywide Insurance Center Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Jackson,NJ an area served by Citywide Insurance Center Inc

2110 W County Line Rd Ste 2
Phone : (732) 367-3200

Real estate research for area nearby Citywide Insurance Center Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Rumson 897,300 1972 2.6
West Long Branch 424,600 1250 3.5
Red Bank 370,900 1282 4.1
Waretown 292500 NA NA
Allenwood 445,700 2001 5.4
Princeton 742,400 1105 1.8
Keyport 288,700 982 4.1
Silver Ridge 137,700 1155 10.1
Matawan 340,300 1211 4.3
Franklin Park 268,900 1594 7.1

Number of vacant houses in places near by Citywide Insurance Center Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Rumson 263
West Long Branch 203
Red Bank 640
Waretown 220
Princeton 397
Keyport 154
Silver Ridge 64
Matawan 234
Franklin Park 549
Ocean Grove 1273
Kendall Park 102
Montgomery 497
Falls 1087
Marlboro 352

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Citywide Insurance Center Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Rumson 870
West Long Branch 847
Red Bank 385
Waretown 140
Allenwood 122
Princeton 1739
Keyport 322
Silver Ridge 16
Matawan 753
Franklin Park 352
Ocean Grove 155
Kendall Park 1139
Montgomery 3011
Falls 3058
Marlboro 5448

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Citywide Insurance Center Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Rumson 690
West Long Branch 117
Red Bank 190
Waretown 15
Allenwood 40
Princeton 909
Keyport 30
Silver Ridge 9
Matawan 206
Franklin Park 11
Ocean Grove 142
Kendall Park 211
Montgomery 963
Falls 418
Marlboro 3073

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Citywide Insurance Center Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Rumson 488800
West Long Branch 477700
Red Bank 371400
Waretown 267700
Allenwood 589700
Princeton 894800
Keyport 324800
Silver Ridge 76700
Matawan 408900
Franklin Park 229800
Ocean Grove 262100
Kendall Park 475700
Montgomery 523900
Falls 281900
Marlboro 483200