Statistics & Research about Barnegat Light,NJ - Preston Patterson Co Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Barnegat Light,NJ an area served by Preston Patterson Co Inc

Phone : 866-702-9500

Real estate research for area nearby Preston Patterson Co Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Island Heights 398,100 1389 4.2
Manahawkin 302,000 1258 5.0
Beach Haven West 379,800 1466 4.6
Port Republic 325,300 1208 4.5
Barnegat Light 741500 NA NA
Surf City 713,900 1089 1.8
Leisure Knoll 165600 NA NA
Toms River 307,900 1251 4.9
Lacey 277,600 1669 7.2
Country Lake Estates 189,100 899 5.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Preston Patterson Co Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Island Heights 136
Manahawkin 108
Beach Haven West 699
Port Republic 76
Barnegat Light 153
Surf City 474
Leisure Knoll 1561
Toms River 12954
Lacey 2640
Country Lake Estates 94
Lakewood 10774
Cedar Glen West 494
Tabernacle 274
Leisure Village West 2282
Holiday Heights 1341

Number of old houses in places near by Preston Patterson Co Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Island Heights 442000
Manahawkin 387500
Port Republic 315000
Barnegat Light 950000
Surf City 583300
Toms River 273200
Lacey 264500
Lakewood 361900
Cedar Glen West 71000
Tabernacle 359600

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Preston Patterson Co Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Island Heights 57
Beach Haven West 105
Port Republic 18
Barnegat Light 119
Surf City 239
Toms River 2276
Lacey 633
Country Lake Estates 34
Lakewood 4058
Tabernacle 256

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Preston Patterson Co Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Island Heights 473900
Manahawkin 320000
Beach Haven West 384000
Port Republic 444000
Barnegat Light 929700
Surf City 954500
Leisure Knoll 251100
Toms River 311200
Lacey 300300
Country Lake Estates 171200
Lakewood 279000
Tabernacle 368500
Leisure Village West 176400
Holiday Heights 207700